small-town craft.

world-class taste.

Participation Rules and Detail
• Promote your event, such as using flyers via email, social media platforms, and/or other appropriate channels.
• Create a Facebook event one month prior to your event and invite Sleepy Eye Brewing to co-host the event.
At minimum, post one week before the event, as well as a reminder one day prior to the event.
Tag Sleepy Eye Brewing in your post using @SleepyEyeBrewing and use the hashtag #SleepyEyeBrewing in your post.
• Consider emailing your organizational members and/or affiliates one week prior to your event.
• Be present during your Pints with Purpose event. Consider displaying signage and/or informative displays to showcase at the brewery.
• Have fun! If you have fun, so will those who attend!
• Donate $1 for every pint, $1 for every crowler, $2 for every shirt, and $2 for every hat sold from 4pm-10pm the night of the event.
• Provide customizable artwork (so you can include your logo and event details) for your promotional items, such as flyers, Facebook, and Instagram.
• Host your organization or group on a Wednesday or Thursday evening, as mutually determined, from 4pm-10pm. (If available and desired, our event space or patio can be used by your group.)
•Assist you in making your event an overwhelming success for your organization!
• Use Pints with Purpose to help promote upcoming events or initiatives at your organization.
• Minnesotans love raffles! Raffles can be a great way to raise funds and are permissible if patrons are not directly solicited. (Check MN Gambling laws, as appropriate.)
• Be creative with your event! Interactive activities and/or exhibits are welcomed. Take advantage of the visibility and opportunity to appeal to a different demographic!
• YOUR promotion is key. The bigger the crowd, the greater the donation!